Sunday, 6 October 2013

Frame by Frame Animation

Animation Techniques in Flash

During this blog I will update all the animation techniques I learn in flash:

1. Frame by frame animation

This techniques is used to produce animated TV programmes and films like Wallace and Gromit

How can I create this techniques?

  • Open Adobe Flash.
  • When Flash is loaded up, click on ActionScript 2.0.
  • On the right there is a tool bar, click on he shape button, which should have a rectangle on it. Hold it down and click on the circle/oval shape.
  • Draw a circle at the top of the page.
  • At the bottom, it says Layer 1 and next to it there it a row of small rectangles. The first rectangle should have a little circle at the bottom. Those are called frames.
  • Right click on the first frame.
  • Then click on insert Keyframe.
  • Click on circle and use the down button on your keyboard to move it down ten spaces.
  • Once you have down that right click on the next frame and click and Keyframe again, and move it down another ten spaces.
  • Keep repeating that until your circle reaches the bottom of the page.
  • If you want your circle to go back to the top of the page, repeat what you did going down but use the up arrow on your keyboard.
  • Hint: if you want a shorter way of inserting a new Keyframe just click F6 every time you want a new one and you don't have to keep right clicking.


  • A disadvantage would be that it is very time consuming and it takes for ever to create but an advantage would be that the method is really simple and it is very easy to pick up, so anyone can just be told how to do it and know how to do it for as long as they need to.

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